Kubernetes Managed Services

Kubernetes packs a lot of built-in functionality and aims to simplify orchestration, containerization, configuration, and rollouts. Governance for many organizations without personal experience is a difficult process. Managed Kubernetes services are an excellent solution for applying competitive advantages using containerized annexes. Kubernetes is now more relevant than ever, and every enterprise is looking to move the application to the container and get meaningful profits from this software.



Technology Stacks we use

At the beginning of the use of cloud platforms, moments with the transfer of the infrastructure and its individual components are identified. To facilitate the migration, there is a list of services that help with the migration of almost any data.


Cloud Providers

We only stick to the best providers. AWS and Azure are our main choices.

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The value of use lies in providing affordable and scalable access to services and IT computing resources. Your company gains access to services such as infrastructure, platforms and software.

Containers and Orchestration

Docker and Kubernetes are the tools we use.

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These tools help streamline operations and reduce business costs, automate deployment, network impact, and improve security. It is planned to work on the basis of microservices in several clusters.


GoCD, Jenkins, GitHub, Bitbucket pipeline are tools we use to automate.

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Helps to productively and fast deliver software. These tools will help alleviate and greatly speed up the process of getting projects to market. Provides a continuous flow of new functionality and supply code to production.

Configuration management

Ansible, Chef and Puppet. The leading tools on the market.

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These management tools help keep working computer systems, software, and servers in good working order. The process is necessary to make sure that the system works as supposed, taking into account modifications and updates.


MySQL,MongoDB,PostgresSQL, Percona, MariaDB and MS SQL.

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The value of tools is in creating the possibility of storing and accessing information. There is a systematic collection of data, they can be analyzed and their safety complies with all security policies.


RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka,Apache Cassandra,Redis, ELK stack and Memcached.

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It will allow the synchronization of data between nodes and restore their states. Distributed database management, handles large amounts of information, and provides high availability without fail. Uses caching models.


Grafana,Prometheus,PagerDuty, Amazon Cloudwatch and Snyk.

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These processes permit your company to use an organized system for assembling, analyzing and utilizing information to monitor program development for management solution making.

Infrastructure Provisioning

Terraform, AWS Cloudformation and others

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This setting helps to create, apply, administrate and automate infrastructure. These tools are needed when managing access to information and resources. This process is not a configuration step, but they are both necessary deployment steps.

We are Highly Specialised

Kubernetes managed services from Bionicfox frees you from the self-installing software hassle of self-installing software and our team takes responsibility for infrastructure upgrades, configurations and network management. Based on your needs, we select the appropriate platform. Our experts rely on your cost, simplicity, client support, unification with an existing system, and automatic application extension features when choosing.

Monitoring and Analytics

Our team creates a reliable cloud solution for your company that provides an information functional stack for registration, control and notification.Bionicfox professionals continuously monitor your Kubernetes processes, capacity planning and continuous service testing to ensure your enterprise cloud quality. We manage pre-emptive for clear visibility to create transparent charges predictability and fault avoidance.

Trouble-free work process

Our company guarantees work without downtime, and all cluster elements are highly available and controlled by us. Our staff remotely checks new hardware and expands your Kubernetes without disruption. This extension is accessible through additional nodes. We are a certified team with regular audits to meet industry standards for safety and quality.

Kubernetes governance

The Kubernetes managed services aim is to accelerate software introduction and optimise operational processes. We openly provide reporting and coordinate expenditure items in budgets, you do not see hidden expenses or blocking. At your request, Bionicfox specialists return you to the main role of process management. After that, our company ensures technical support at your company's request.

Cluster customisation

Our collaboration in setting up clusters plays a critical role, it influences the Kubernetes elaboration for your needs and its application in a convenient place for your team. Bionicfox experts deploy, extend, and govern software to keep it running smoothly, even with peak traffic. We also remotely verify the equipment operation and improve your clouds without malfunctions.

Why choose us?

Check out each stages of the process..

Before the introduction software stage into your system, it still required a design period and only after it happened launched into production. The consequences of making the wrong self-guided decision are long-term and affect the approachability, agility and performance of your applications. Therefore, enterprises are now actively delegating authority to professional IT companies and using managed Kubernetes services in their organisation. Bionicfox employs a proven managed services model.



Benefits of our Kubernetes Managed Services

Every business that uses managed Kubernetes services has grown so much that they are actively giving keys to clusters for outsourcing. All actions rest on the charges assessment, risks and understanding of whether this prevails over the chosen solution benefits. Running this software is demanding, so we make a worthy effort and apply our deep knowledge for its correct profits further.

Set up clusters and take control with Kubernetes

Bionicfox professionally deploys manifests and implements the benefits of using our services. Write to us to start your project.


Which applications are managed by Kubernetes?

In practice, Kubernetes most often works in conjunction with Docker, this is the most popular tandem. It can work with any containerized annexes in accordance with the standards of the Open Container Initiative.

What is the managed Kubernetes cluster?

It is the management of a cluster group by an outside IT team. Choosing its solution removes the deploying complication across multiple data centers and running personal applications in the cloud platform. It is a great option for companies that lack infrastructure management skills.

What are the types of Kubernetes services?

The primary Kubernetes services are ClusterIP, NodePort, ExternalName and LoadBalancer.

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