IT Advisory Services

Information technology advisory services in IT provide an opportunity for enterprises in various fields to determine their priorities, manage investments, increase the value and productivity of business and projects.


Technology Stacks we use

At the beginning of the use of cloud platforms, moments with the transfer of the infrastructure and its individual components are identified. To facilitate the migration, there is a list of services that help with the migration of almost any data.


Cloud Providers

We only stick to the best providers. AWS and Azure are our main choices.

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The value of use lies in providing affordable and scalable access to services and IT computing resources. Your company gains access to services such as infrastructure, platforms and software.

Containers and Orchestration

Docker and Kubernetes are the tools we use.

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These tools help streamline operations and reduce business costs, automate deployment, network impact, and improve security. It is planned to work on the basis of microservices in several clusters.


GoCD, Jenkins, GitHub, Bitbucket pipeline are tools we use to automate.

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Helps to productively and fast deliver software. These tools will help alleviate and greatly speed up the process of getting projects to market. Provides a continuous flow of new functionality and supply code to production.

Configuration management

Ansible, Chef and Puppet. The leading tools on the market.

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These management tools help keep working computer systems, software, and servers in good working order. The process is necessary to make sure that the system works as supposed, taking into account modifications and updates.


MySQL,MongoDB,PostgresSQL, Percona, MariaDB and MS SQL.

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The value of tools is in creating the possibility of storing and accessing information. There is a systematic collection of data, they can be analyzed and their safety complies with all security policies.


RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka,Apache Cassandra,Redis, ELK stack and Memcached.

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It will allow the synchronization of data between nodes and restore their states. Distributed database management, handles large amounts of information, and provides high availability without fail. Uses caching models.


Grafana,Prometheus,PagerDuty, Amazon Cloudwatch and Snyk.

DevOps Services Company | IT Outposts DevOps Services Company | IT Outposts
These processes permit your company to use an organized system for assembling, analyzing and utilizing information to monitor program development for management solution making.

Infrastructure Provisioning

Terraform, AWS Cloudformation and others

DevOps Services Company | IT OutpostsDevOps Services Company | IT Outposts
This setting helps to create, apply, administrate and automate infrastructure. These tools are needed when managing access to information and resources. This process is not a configuration step, but they are both necessary deployment steps.

Highly Specialised in Advisory Services

An enterprise of any size needs technology advisory services to quickly resolve sudden problems with equipment or infrastructure. Since the knowledge of the employees themselves most often does not cover all aspects of solving the problem, the best solution is to contact the relevant IT Outposts team to restore the workflow.

Software Consulting

Our employees shape the architecture of solutions and technologies on the necessary issues, determine customer requirements, improve the performance and manageability of projects. It also helps to navigate the diversity of hardware, it is formed by a few basic technologies and solutions.

Infrastructure optimization

Our team conducts expertise of the current state of the IT level in the enterprise, develops a strategy for the movement and implementation of IT of a decent level. We plan a budget for the development of information technology, analyse and evaluate the results of the realisation of selected solutions. We predict project priorities.

Infrastructure Security Assessment

Experts at IT Outposts analyze weaknesses in the information security system and access rules, the level of infrastructure compliance with business requirements and reduce the risk of problems. We show you how to get the most out of your case to simplify your work, increase its productivity, reduce costs and risks.

Budget optimization

Some enterprises, after updating existing technological solutions, face irrational spending of budget funds. To prevent this from happening, our experts will help you choose the optimal technology stack that would fully justify all the funds spent on its implementation and help you achieve all your business goals.

Why choose us?

Benefits of technology advisory services

Technology advisory services are beneficial in that the company minimises the costs of training employees when they work with computer and server equipment and ensures business continuity.

Partner with the best IT service provider!

Bionicfox offers highest quality consulting services in software and hardware, optimization of infrastructure processes and its protection. Contact us to build a strategy for your future projects.

FAQ - Cloud Assessment

What is IT advisory services?

This is the support by experts of companies on improving, automating and digitalising business using information technology.

What is the main role of IT advisory services?

Search and implementation of a popular and competitive product, project architecture, automation, performance audit, budgeting for IT technology and development of a strategy for further growth.

What is better technology advisory or consulting?

This question is decided by everyone individually, but technical consulting covers a wider range of IT areas: technical support, design, servers, clouds and project management, audit, strategic planning, software, etc.

Services you can benefit from


AWS Managed Kubernetes Advances in all computing aspects, including technology and applications, have led to a vast increase in the scope for processes’ digitisation.

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Hybrid Cloud Solutions A hybrid cloud combines several different cloud types. The hybrid infrastructure uses local private and third-side public cloud services. It allows you ...

Managed Kubernetes Services

Kubernetes Managed Services Kubernetes packs a lot of built-in functionality and aims to simplify orchestration, containerisation, configuration, and rollouts. Governance for many organisations without personal

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